Wednesday, July 9, 2014


The Bounty of the Sea
Jacques Cousteau, the famous French oceanographic showed his lifelong concern toward the ocean environment with his writing about the sickening sea and its effects on human being. Fish disappear, trawler intruding, destroyed wetlands, oil, plastic refuse, and unseen clouds of poisonous effluents are evidences of dying ocean.
The freshness of human's living environments would threaten by terrible stench from the death of the ocean.
There would be no more vital fine balance of salt and gas. CO2 would increase and create " greenhouse effect" in which CO2 would block the heat out of the earth to space, and sea temperature would increase dramatically.
The heat would also make the North and South Pole melting which would cause flooding all over the world. The flood would bring along it with famine, chaos, and diseases. Ocean would be cover with so much decayed matter that water would not evaporize, so there would be no rain and harvest anymore.
The two sources, plankton algae and land vegetation, that supply the oxygen would disappear. We could not breath, could not survive.

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