Wednesday, July 9, 2014

My Facebook connection

With Facebook I can keep up with my friends information, and changings in their lives. The good thing is I can keep in touch with them, even though we live far away from each other.
I have more than one hundred friends in Facebook, but most of them are not really my friends. Only 3 or 4 of them are my close friends. Ten of them are my families. And the rest are friends of friends and acquaintances. I don't add friend much, mostly they add friend me.  It may be because they are curious about me and my life.
I feel like I don't have any strong tie anymore. Everybody is just leaving me. My friends are so lazy to text me or make me a short real conversation via phone call. They prefer to message me on Facebook,  and they expect me to get it right away. I wonder how could react when I meet them in person. That would be weird for both of us because we forget how to act in the real life.

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