Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Journal 5. My reading

I like to read, seriously. In my 8 year-old birthday, all I asked my mom was a book. I spent my childhood with a good variety contents of books: fairy tails, detectives, soccers, and so on. At that time, I opened a Renting store and that the reason why I lost almost half of my books. I didn't know how to manage my book shelf, and how to keep track of where the books going to. This was a very regretful experience in my middle childhood.
Thanks to reading those books, I grow up with a fantastic imagination and a good command of vocabulary. I can use different words to write about a pencil, or use my imagination to describe how the mother bird feed her baby bird.
Unfortunately, I'm in the college and I have to read academic ariticles, journals, books which I hate them all. I've tried to stay cool and think positively that I'll learn something from reading these articles, and that the way people gain their knowledge. But I still feel uncomfortable with them so I turn to be an extremely lazy reader. Am I so weird? Am I normal? Am I so lazy? Oh well, I think I'm.

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