Monday, July 14, 2014

Journal assignment 6- The Effects of Media Use

There have been many studies demonstrating positive influences of media use in our modern life. On the other hand, a great numbers of researches have been proved harmful effects of media use on children, adolescents, and young adults: Violence, sex and health problem.
From the beginning of media use – radio and television broadcasting – in 1939, David Sarnoff, President of Radio Corporation of America, New York glamorized the effect of television which could offer human-being distance eyesight. 
Until now, other inventions have been introduced as “new media” including radio, television, video-games, smartphones, and note-pads. They have become essential parts of our life. Many researchers have pointed out a lot of benefits from media use, such as: fostering knowledge, better navigations, connectedness, and health.
On the other hands, since violence has been embedded into video-games; and many sexual activities, smoking, drinking behaviors have predominated entertainment programs on media channel, harmful influences have been rising like violence, sex and health problems.         
These authors have discussed good and harm of media use. As media users, should we consider a solution to handle all of it?  

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