Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Journal 12. Money.

We all need money. My little family needs money, so does my big family. But only few of us are working to make bread and butter. The others are little, school-age and old. I can feel how hard our breadwinner are struggling. I want to help them. But I have to wait. Wait until I'm educated. Wait until I'm ready physically, educationally to get a job with good payment. All I need now is studying as I know that the only thing I can do best now. Worrisome is just bordering me sometimes.

Journal 11. Memories.

Sometimes, we should sink ourselves into the river of memories. There are good and bad, but they help enrich our souls.
Memories make us remember that we are humankind who have selective old thoughts. That we remember something and miss the other ones. That we are human-being and we can't live without memories.
Bad memories remind us lessons we've learned, while beautiful ones lifted us up, recovering from grieves and stand on our foots.

In class writing. Media diet.

I'm attempting a week long "media diet". In this "media diet", I will untethered myself from Facebook and television. I think they are the easiest media I could quit, cause some of them are essential in my life. It's not good. I'm relying on media a lot.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


If I had time and other supporting conditions for advocation, I would advocate for ceasing wars. Wars have got so many innocent lives; wives lost husbands, mothers lost sons. We could use the budget for education and Healthcare instead of fighting.
I would go to those countries where wars are happening, experience the hardship, the lost and the griefs. So that I would take pictures, videos, and combine with practical writings to tell the world. People need to know the cruel side of wars.
I would do research every war to understand it's purpose and find my stance to fight against it.
I would write letter and talk to soldiers's families about the wars they are encountering.
I would write a blog discussing consequences from wars, persuading people to stop fighting, and also supports for whom who needs help to recover from their lost.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Journal 10. My hometown

USA is not the place I call Home. My hometown is far from the US a half of the earth's circle. My parents and my younger siblings are living over there; so do my friends, and my colleagues. I miss the family environment at dinner in my home. Everybody was talking merrily and having good food. I miss some favorite restaurants I used to spend time with my best friends. I miss the smell from the ground after a heavy rain. I miss everything. I wish I could come home a day soon.  

Journal 9. My best friends

I believe I have some close friends. The one who studied with me in junior-high. We don't talk and see each other a lot, but we always think about each other. He is the one I can trust and ask for help. I love him for his trustworthy and sincere.
The other one is a female classmate in my graduated years. She is a gorgeous girl but doesn't have sense of humor. People may don't like the way she is talking. Although she is telling the truths, and people sometimes don't want to know the truth, like "you are short", says my best friend. I can talk to her comfortably with everything and so does she. We live far away from each other but we miss one another.

Journal 8. English tutor at Davis Campus.

I have visited the Learning center couple times for my English class. There was a female tutor named Sally, or Shelly, I'm not sure. She has taught me everything, from the essay format to the thesis statement. She has given me helpful and valuable advises. But she has gone. She has got a job as a primary teacher in a public school. Good for her. I bet she is going to be a very good teacher with her dedicated manner and her good command of English.
I've met a new one. She is quite young. She told me her major is medical. But she is good at English. Although she is nice and kind, she seems not to give me such amazing advises as Shelly did. She always goes around the bush and waits for my hint of interaction. I feel sympathy for her not much experienced so I have tried to cooperate with her. It turns out she has help me in my writing and I don't have to spend a dime. I appreciate that. I believe she'll get progress soon both in her part-time job and her long-time career.

Dr. Seuss' Tweet about technology

Some technologies just make me worry for me baby. She's not ready to use it already.
Mother I-pad, brother I-phone, sister I-Mac, baby I-pod, Daddy "I pay".

Monday, July 14, 2014

Journal 7.Basic essay format

Thanks to the teaching in class today, I've just found a way to write my assignment.
It is going to have 3 main supporting points: The good effects, bad effects, and solutions for the good use.
I hope I can survive this assignment.

Thesis Statement

There have been a great number of studies about the  good effects of  media , harmful effects,  also solutions to maximize the healthy impacts, and minimize the unhealthy ones.

Journal assignment 6- The Effects of Media Use

There have been many studies demonstrating positive influences of media use in our modern life. On the other hand, a great numbers of researches have been proved harmful effects of media use on children, adolescents, and young adults: Violence, sex and health problem.
From the beginning of media use – radio and television broadcasting – in 1939, David Sarnoff, President of Radio Corporation of America, New York glamorized the effect of television which could offer human-being distance eyesight. 
Until now, other inventions have been introduced as “new media” including radio, television, video-games, smartphones, and note-pads. They have become essential parts of our life. Many researchers have pointed out a lot of benefits from media use, such as: fostering knowledge, better navigations, connectedness, and health.
On the other hands, since violence has been embedded into video-games; and many sexual activities, smoking, drinking behaviors have predominated entertainment programs on media channel, harmful influences have been rising like violence, sex and health problems.         
These authors have discussed good and harm of media use. As media users, should we consider a solution to handle all of it?  

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

My Facebook connection

With Facebook I can keep up with my friends information, and changings in their lives. The good thing is I can keep in touch with them, even though we live far away from each other.
I have more than one hundred friends in Facebook, but most of them are not really my friends. Only 3 or 4 of them are my close friends. Ten of them are my families. And the rest are friends of friends and acquaintances. I don't add friend much, mostly they add friend me.  It may be because they are curious about me and my life.
I feel like I don't have any strong tie anymore. Everybody is just leaving me. My friends are so lazy to text me or make me a short real conversation via phone call. They prefer to message me on Facebook,  and they expect me to get it right away. I wonder how could react when I meet them in person. That would be weird for both of us because we forget how to act in the real life.


The Bounty of the Sea
Jacques Cousteau, the famous French oceanographic showed his lifelong concern toward the ocean environment with his writing about the sickening sea and its effects on human being. Fish disappear, trawler intruding, destroyed wetlands, oil, plastic refuse, and unseen clouds of poisonous effluents are evidences of dying ocean.
The freshness of human's living environments would threaten by terrible stench from the death of the ocean.
There would be no more vital fine balance of salt and gas. CO2 would increase and create " greenhouse effect" in which CO2 would block the heat out of the earth to space, and sea temperature would increase dramatically.
The heat would also make the North and South Pole melting which would cause flooding all over the world. The flood would bring along it with famine, chaos, and diseases. Ocean would be cover with so much decayed matter that water would not evaporize, so there would be no rain and harvest anymore.
The two sources, plankton algae and land vegetation, that supply the oxygen would disappear. We could not breath, could not survive.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Journal 5. My reading

I like to read, seriously. In my 8 year-old birthday, all I asked my mom was a book. I spent my childhood with a good variety contents of books: fairy tails, detectives, soccers, and so on. At that time, I opened a Renting store and that the reason why I lost almost half of my books. I didn't know how to manage my book shelf, and how to keep track of where the books going to. This was a very regretful experience in my middle childhood.
Thanks to reading those books, I grow up with a fantastic imagination and a good command of vocabulary. I can use different words to write about a pencil, or use my imagination to describe how the mother bird feed her baby bird.
Unfortunately, I'm in the college and I have to read academic ariticles, journals, books which I hate them all. I've tried to stay cool and think positively that I'll learn something from reading these articles, and that the way people gain their knowledge. But I still feel uncomfortable with them so I turn to be an extremely lazy reader. Am I so weird? Am I normal? Am I so lazy? Oh well, I think I'm.