Saturday, August 9, 2014

Journal 14. Distribution.

I am especially interested in distribution industry in which people bring products and food and everything to the others. How amazing it is to connect the demands and supply together.
When we see boxes of chocolate milk on the shelf , that is a chain of actions : getting the milk from cows, pasteurizing, packing, labeling, coding, transportation and display.  It takes time and effort to offer customers with quality, fresh products. Some products like food need to be delivered strictly with time frames for their expiration dates. The others such as lighting bulbs or decorative stuff must be carried with care to protect the products. Cameras, cellphones must be showed up at the most attractive conners for catching customer's eyesight. Every product needs specific distribution's requirement. There are couples of channels to provide products to customers. Some people can sell things in department stores, while the others sell their products on websites.
Today we have groceries in our fridges, formula and diapers for our baby, and every single thing we are using thanks to the efforts from people, who are producing things, and sending them to the markets for us.

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