Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Journal 1.What are my (E)dentities?

I used to blog when I was younger, more energetic and romantic. At that time I wrote much about myself; Sometime, those journals were to impress my friends with my writing skills; Sometime, they just helped me release my inner feelings, but the expressions were quite superficial. I tried to hide some of my badnesses.

The old blog portrayed a "beautiful me". Everything was perfect and splendid! I wrote and polished every single word, posted fantastic pictures and showed attractive displays overall. I did them all to build up a fascinating girl I wanted to be and wanted people to believe so. That (E)dentity was a young, ambitious and talented lady.

Time has gone by quickly. I've been ups and downs for a while and I've forgotten when did I stop blogging. However, I know that I need to be "online" to catch up with my peers, so that I use Facebook.

I don't write about me anymore. In fact, at the present I don't want anybody knows things about me. On the other hand, I don't show off anything about me, because I don't have big things to show off like when I was young. When I get older, I realize my knowledge is just a mite in the ocean of knowledge and I am a sand in the desert.

I write about my baby and show her pictures instead. My concern has changed from "how do I look" to "how dose my baby look" in the page. She is the most important work and the most valuable treasure I've ever had. So I proud of her and I proud of myself for having her. My (E)dendity now is a nice, dedicated mother.

My (E)dentities have changed by time. But they are becoming prettier and prudenter. That the (E)dentity I want to establish for myself.

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