Monday, June 30, 2014

Journal 4. The 2nd week of my summer class

"Intensive reading" I can say. I've been trying my best to have my assignments done: Researching, reading, annotating and writing. I acknowledge that I should practise reading as much as I can to improve it.
Last week, we watched some World Cup football games. They were so exciting!
There was an air show at Hill AFB in Layton, UT. It was held professionally, well-organized and atractively. The airmen had been practicing with their aircrafts for a month so that they had a spectacular show which left some beautiful and meaningful pictures in the sky with smoke. soldiers, airplanes, music, and speeches have made an unforgettable moment which embraced proud in everyone and encouraged thinking Big in every child.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

"Your (E)dentity" article. In class writing

My offline identity: careful, genourous, loving, responsible, sloppy, stubborn, lax, lazy, extrovert, agitated.
My online identity: hard-working, trust-worthy, loving, careful, loving, responsible, elegent, professional, polite, mysterious.
I make my online identify perfect and it seems differ from my offline one for the reason that not everyone knows everything about me, thus I can show my fancies and hide my badness. In time, I want to be a better person and I strive for that in my real life.

Journal 3. The second day

I've had a great day with my angle. When my husband arrived home, we had delicious food and amazing talk together. Everything was so wonderful at home that I didn't want to leave for class. But I have to go.
Yet I don't have to regret for leaving home for class because I have learnt so many things today.
We discussed about an interesting article call "(E)dentity". It says about our activities online which can label us and follow our tracks. The online activities have positive impacts and also negative impacts.
I know that studying is never too late. But I'd better hurry in order to catch up with the unbeatable speed of technology and internet.
It's time to go home.

Journal 2. The first day of my English class

I came just in time, breathed heavily and rushed to find a seat.
She was sitting quietly with the others and beaming her secret smiles. She looked elegantly in her shiny shoulder-long hair. Her voice is soft and clear so that everyone could follow her. Yet we could laugh together sometimes because of her funny words. We went through our syllabus quickly but effectively. Ultimately, she made the class comfortable and inresistable.
She is my professor.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Journal 1.What are my (E)dentities?

I used to blog when I was younger, more energetic and romantic. At that time I wrote much about myself; Sometime, those journals were to impress my friends with my writing skills; Sometime, they just helped me release my inner feelings, but the expressions were quite superficial. I tried to hide some of my badnesses.

The old blog portrayed a "beautiful me". Everything was perfect and splendid! I wrote and polished every single word, posted fantastic pictures and showed attractive displays overall. I did them all to build up a fascinating girl I wanted to be and wanted people to believe so. That (E)dentity was a young, ambitious and talented lady.

Time has gone by quickly. I've been ups and downs for a while and I've forgotten when did I stop blogging. However, I know that I need to be "online" to catch up with my peers, so that I use Facebook.

I don't write about me anymore. In fact, at the present I don't want anybody knows things about me. On the other hand, I don't show off anything about me, because I don't have big things to show off like when I was young. When I get older, I realize my knowledge is just a mite in the ocean of knowledge and I am a sand in the desert.

I write about my baby and show her pictures instead. My concern has changed from "how do I look" to "how dose my baby look" in the page. She is the most important work and the most valuable treasure I've ever had. So I proud of her and I proud of myself for having her. My (E)dendity now is a nice, dedicated mother.

My (E)dentities have changed by time. But they are becoming prettier and prudenter. That the (E)dentity I want to establish for myself.